Bellavista S.H.A.R.E. Literacy Conference 2024

Reclaim Reading: Strengthen Literacy Practice

Conference 2024

Our goal this year is to hold space for learnings in strengthening sustainable literacy practices. Bridging the research-to-practice gap is essential for improving South Africa’s literacy rates, and our conference aims to facilitate this through high-quality input and insightful discussions.

We invite Grade R educators, therapists, policy makers, curriculum developers, HODs, and change makers focused on early literacy education. We also welcome parents and anyone passionate about fostering reading and literacy skills. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to be inspired during the one and a half days of lectures, breakaway sessions, as well as a cocktail evening for all to connect, mingle and network.

Date: 06-07 November 2024


Day 1: 12h00-17h30 (Cocktail evening) | Day 2: 08h30-17h00

Venue: Sandton 


Meet the Speakers

Carol Tolman

Carol Tolman

Keynote Speaker

Fatima Adam

Fatima Adam

Zenex Foundation

Emile Gouws

Emile Gouws

Guest Speaker

Catherine Langsford

Catherine Langford

Zenex Foundation

Khomotso Malapane

Khomotso Malapane

Mpumalanga Education Department

We are thrilled to have Dr Carol Tolman, an international literacy consultant at the state, district,  and school levels in the United States of America. 

Dr Tolman will be covering the following topics over the two days:

  • Impactful, sustainable literacy planning: seven shifts towards success
  • The reading/writing brain: how the alphabetic principle and oral language intersect
  • Diving deep: creating accurate, efficient readers and spellers
  • Interleaving all aspects of language and literacy planning: how oral language supports written language

The conference will also feature representatives from the Zenex Foundation, who will be sharing their learnings on “What have we learnt about the opportunities and constraints of improving literacy performance at scale through the system”.  Dr. Emile Gouws on neurodiversity, and Khomotso Malapane from the Mpumalanga Department of Education on enhancing literacy practices and language-rich environments. Don’t miss this opportunity for enlightening lectures, interactive sessions, and networking with fellow educators. Together, let’s reclaim reading and empower our students for a brighter future!

As a special educator with over 25 years of public school experience, she spent 12 of those years designing and implementing an innovative, exemplary program for academically challenged high school students. Along with Dr Louisa Moats, Dr Tolman is the co-author of LETRS, 3rd ed. (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling).
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