Mindful Schools: Conceptual frameworks and practice of the Neurosequential Model of Education
Presenter: Catherine Otto
The Neurosequential Model of Education provides a framework of understanding children and students through a neurodevelopmental lens. Fundamentally, the model helps us to understand the impact of trauma and developmentally adverse experiences on the development of the brain and on the ways in which the stress response may impact learning and emotional well-being.

The Neurosequential Model provides us with a conceptual framework to make sense of the experiences of children in our classrooms and in our therapy spaces. Holding brain development in mind across all sectors of our education system not only enhances our teaching and therapy practices, but also provides an enriched understanding of our children, our communities and ourselves.
This talk will explore some of these concepts, the ways in which we can hold the students in our care in mind, and how we can include the strategies for practical application in our various settings.
28 July 2021 @ 19h30-20h30 SAST
1 HPCSA point applied forNO RECORDING will be available for this webinar.
About the Presenter
Kate (Catherine) Otto is Clinical Psychologist and Head of the Psychology Department at the Oprah Winfrey leadership Academy for Girls. She is trained as an NMT certified Trainer. She is also completing a comprehensive DBT Training course through the South African DBT Institute.
Since joining the Academy in 2008 she has been involved in numerous areas around the school and led many strategic programs, such as the Recruitment and Selection of Students, diversity approach, and Wellness week which involved pulling in international expertise.
She is a leading NM Champion and involved within the staff and student development approach of the NM model at OWLAG. Spanning from her passion to transform the lives of young people, Kate was part of the team that initially developed the Stepping Group model and she continues to innovate to embed emotional well-being, resilience, and coping of students while they learn and grow.
She has presented the JVR Africa Congress of Psychology in 2015 (“Using non-directive groups as a platform for the development of life skills in high school girls”, and “Recruiting students for academic potential – A working model”) and at the 30th International Congress of Psychology in 2012 (“Longitudinal predictive validity patterns: A case study spanning five years”).
She is deeply committed to sharing her learning with a wider community in order to enhance the lives of as many children as possible.