Issie Senses
In the hands of a skilled and enabling practitioner, a controlled multi-sensory therapeutic environment offers a powerful therapeutic tool for people who experience sensory disorders or other dysregulation that may be rooted in anxiety, trauma, learning disabilities, brain injury, mental health challenges, developmental delay, autism or the elderly. The room could relax, energise, stimulate or calm a person, according to that individual’s specific needs, if used correctly.
Beit Issie Shapiro is Israel’s leading organisation in the field of disabilities. A joint collaboration with their Issie Senses team sees Bellavista S.H.A.R.E. , the professional development and research arm of Bellavista School, bring the Issie Senses methodology to South Africa, and so equip other health professionals, caregivers, parents and educators with Issie Senses training as well as in designing their rooms and purchasing equipment.
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