Please find below the events for the year.
You can download and save the calendar by clicking here.
24 February |
Shaping Developing Minds: The impact of early life on mental health Nicole Canin |
Webinar |
03 March |
Specific Learning Disabilities T Copeland, A Scott, R Ress, S Ohlson de Fine |
Onsite Full Day Workshop |
10 March |
Recovery Curriculum: Supporting young minds to learn during a pandemic F Chetwin & N Solomon |
Webinar |
16 & 17 March |
Developing Early Literacy and Numeracy Skills A Clark, J Cloete, M Holleran, N Joao |
2 Day Onsite Workshop |
17 March |
Minds in Motion: regulating minds Joshua McNeill |
Webinar |
24 March |
Not what I had in Mind: The challenges of raising an atypical child Hennie Vorster |
Webinar |
28 April |
Mind the Gap: Parenting across generations – how to reach our children Graeme Codrington |
Webinar |
29 April |
Developing Minds: Studying the brain to understand the mind Shona Fraser |
Onsite Full Day Workshop |
May – June weekly |
Expert Series: Developing Minds |
Webinar Series |
05 & 06 May |
Remediating Literacy Bellavista Staff |
1½ Day Onsite Workshop |
20 May |
Using the WISC to inform Intervention Bellavista Staff |
Afternoon Onsite Workshop |
02 & 03 June |
Remediating Mathematics Bellavista Staff |
2 Full Day Onsite Workshop |
22 & 23 June |
Adolescent Workshop Presenters TBC |
1½ Day Onsite Workshop |
26 June & 03 July |
Virtual Study Skills 1 |
Online |
30 June |
Mindblindness and ASD Ella Brent |
Webinar |
30 June & 01 July |
RAVE-O Training Bellavista Staff |
Onsite Training |
07 July |
Distracted Minds: Parenting the child with ADHD Lorian Phillips |
Webinar |
14 July |
A mind in Time: Unpacking transgenerational trauma Tracey Farber |
Webinar |
22 & 23 July |
The Science and Practice of Literacy Instruction K Naidoo, A Clark, J Cloete |
2 Day Onsite Workshop |
28 July |
Mindful Schools: Conceptual frameworks and practice of NME Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls |
Webinar |
03, 10, 17, 24 August |
Parenting the ADHD child Lorian Phillips |
Webinar Series |
04 August |
Resilient Minds Tracey Farber |
Webinar |
30 September |
Coffee and Conversation with Dr Attwood: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder Tony Attwood |
Webinar |
02 & 09 October |
Virtual Study Skills 2 |
Online |
06 October |
Do you Mind? Curing the disease to please. Teaching children boundaries Adene Davis |
Webinar |
27 October |
Developing Compassionate Minds: Meeting the inner critic Tina Sideris |
Webinar |