Child Protection: Law and Ethics in South African Child Care Professions


Presenter: Luke Lamprecht
HPCSA awards 3 Ethics Points

This short online presentation will;

•equip the practitioner with the relevant legislation

•protocol for investigation and the various ages of consent that come into play when having to report abuse

Available on back-order

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SKU: CPLESA Category: Tag:

By law, all professionals are required to report child abuse and abuse of children and adults with disabilities. Keeping an ethical frame with outside/ additional intrusions on client confidentiality is a complex process and causes a great deal of anxiety in the practitioner, particularly in a system that is often very hard to navigate. This course will equip the practitioner with the relevant legislation, protocol for investigation and the various ages of consent that come into play when having to report abuse.

HPCSA awards 3 Ethics Points

This talk will be available 30 days from registration.


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