Deeper Understanding of Reading and Dyslexia


Neurodivergence: Understanding your child’s dyslexia

(Also available in Afrikaans.)

This online self-study course is aimed at parents and professionals who want to develop a deeper understanding of literacy and dyslexia. It focuses on the definitions, causes, symptoms in the classroom and how the development of reading and writing skills appears differently to the typical reader. The reading brain and acquisition of reading skills and language skills will also be explored. Further, the course will provide you with a good understanding of structured intervention, where to start and how to start, what to include and how to support the child with reading and literacy difficulties.

Click “Read More” for more information and course outcomes.

SKU: DURD-2024 Category:

Deeper Understanding of Reading and Dyslexia

The course can be taken over four months and you will be able to work through the videos and reading material at your own pace. You also have access to a facilitator and expert in the field who will be available to support you with questions and technical issues on the online platform. Sessions include:

• Reflecting on your own concept of dyslexia
• The development of reading
• The concept of dyslexia
• The causes of dyslexia: an overview
• The causes and symptoms of dyslexia: biological aspects
• The causes and symptoms of dyslexia: cognitive processes
• Impact that dyslexia has on a person: behavioural level
• Early reading skills: phonological skills
• Foundational reading skills: the alphabet
• Foundational reading skills: phonics
• Developing reading fluency
• Developing reading comprehension
• Development of writing skills
• Development of spelling skills
• Classroom support


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