Conference 2022: Mathematics: A Gatekeeper or a Gateway for Cognitive Development?
Many educators employ mathematical problem solving as an add on to the curriculum instruction to reinforce mathematics operations and procedures rather than consider problem-solving itself as a meaningful opportunity for developing deep mathematical concepts. More recently, experts have conceded that problem-solving provides a critical context for students to develop their understanding of mathematics. The mathematics curriculum has now shifted from teaching how to solve mathematics problems to teaching mathematics through problem-solving. Problem-solving is now formally seen as an inquiry-rich process. This presentation will highlight the strong association between the development of students’ cognitive functions and their mathematical abilities. The early learning of mathematics and the motivation to learn it in later years is closely associated. Therefore, attempts to close the widening gaps in mathematics achievements become increasingly complex over the school years. This session will focus on the challenges of these factors at the pre-school and primary school levels, providing general tips on effective instruction and assessment of learning.
1 CPD point will be awarded.
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