Presenter: Dina Lilian
Stuttering is defined as a ‘disruption of the forward flow of speech either by repetitions and / or blocks’. According to research, stuttering is caused by ‘a complex interplay of a number of different factors’. During this presentation, differentiation of different types of dysfluencies will be highlighted (normal dysfluencies and stuttering-like dysfluencies); as well as the difference between stuttering and cluttering. Indirect and direct strategies to be used at home and in the classroom situation will be discussed as well as the overt/covert elements of stuttering and cluttering. Possible causes and contributing factors will also be addressed.
13 July 2022 @ 19:30pm-20:30pm SAST
1 HPCSA point applies
No recording will be available for this webinar
About the Presenter
Dina Lilian is a qualified speech therapist with her Masters Degree who has a special interest in stuttering. She has worked in Australia and South Africa. Most of her clients are people who stutter of all ages. Dina re-established Speakeasy, the Self Help Group for People Who Stutter, in 2001 and is the South African representative for the ISA
(International Stuttering Association) and ICA (International Cluttering Association). She is also on the board of the ISA.
Dina has attended numerous international conferences and workshops about stuttering and has been invited to be a keynote speaker at a number of international and national conferences. She has a private practice at the Norwood Therapy Centre.