Cognitive Enrichment Advantage

The Cognitive Enrichment Advantage (or CEA) underpins everything that we do at Bellavista. It is an agenda for education that is designed to help pupils become effective, life-long learners and achieve greater school, social and career success.

Based on research and theory, CEA has demonstrated its effectiveness improving academic achievement. The premise of the CEA approach is that learners who understand how they learn are able to develop personal learning strategies that can help them cope with any new learning situation. Together, teachers and parents mediate learning experiences in a dynamic partnership.

CEA learners develop personal learning strategies based on their knowledge of the CEA Building Blocks of Thinking and Tools of Learning. The twelve Building Blocks of Thinking help learners to think effectively. They focus on approaching the learning experience, making meaning of it and then confirming it. The eight Tools of Learning focus on the role that feelings and behaviour play in learning.

At Bellavista, we focus on either a Building Block for Thinking or a Tool for Learning every fortnight, and integrate these concepts in all that we do. This page will give you a brief introduction to each block or tool as we go.

Making Comparisons

To discover similarities and differences automatically among some parts of the learning experience.

What is Making Comparisons ?

  • sorting by colour, size, cost, value
  • seeing which one is better or bigger
  • checking the matter or mass
  • comparing pros and cons
  • noting similarities and differences
How is Making Comparisons done?

  • measuring equipment
  • make a list of likes, differences
  • judge the results
  • see which one is better, or worse, or bigger
  • deciding what would be the best
  • quality, quantity

Getting the Main Idea

To identify the basic thought that holds related ideas together.

What is Getting the Main Idea?

  • understanding the point
  • narrowing, focusing
  • conclusion, thesis
  • selecting the important ideas

How is Getting the Main Idea done?

  • read and summarise
  • key words
  • identify repetition
  • grasping key points, getting the punch line to a joke

If I use the Building Block of Getting the Main Idea then I will find school work easier because I’ll have better understanding.

Connecting Events

To find relationships among past, present, and future learning experiences automatically.

What is Connecting Events?

  • hindsight, foresight
  • linking occurrences together
  • understanding how past, present, future affect each other

How is Connecting Events done?

  • strategies for game playing
  • predicting consequences
  • applied analysis
  • problem solving
  • building relationships

If I use the Building Block of Connecting Events then I’ll be able to predict and analyse accurately.

Problem Identification

To experience a sense of imbalance automatically and define its cause when something interferes with successful learning. If I use the Building Block of Problem Identification then I will be able to recognise problems and direct my energy towards solving them.

What is Problem Identification?

  • a recognition that something is wrong
  • noticing a need
  • seeing a conflict

How is Problem Identification done?

  • stop, look, listen
  • recognise the feeling of imbalance
  • noticing issues in environment
  • clearly define the problem

Goal Orientation

To seek deep, personal value in learning experiences that energises thinking and behaviour and leads to greater commitment and success. If I use the Tool of Goal Orientation then I will direct my energy to a specific target increasing my likelihood of success.

What is Goal Orientation

  • pick a goal and stick with it
  • work hard towards a target

How is Goal Orientation used?

  • study wisely for tests
  • dedicate time to training and practicing
  • join a study group with the same goal

Feeling of Competence

To seek deep, personal value in learning experiences that energise thinking and behaviour and leads to greater commitment and success. If I use the tool of Feeling of Competence then I will feel confident in my ability to learn new things.

What is Feeling of Competence?

  • high self-esteem
  • feeling good about myself
  • pride in my achievements

How is Feeling of Competence used?

  • participating
  • willingness to commit and take risks
  • being positive and assertive

Thought Integration

To combine pieces of information into complete thoughts and hold onto them while needed. If I use the Building Block of Thought Integration then I will take ideas from many areas and combine them to have a better result. 

What is Thought Integration?

  • building on thoughts
  • immediate reaction
  • revising, expanding on concepts
  • take ideas that do not seem connected, combining them into one seamless idea
  • have picture in mind and then develop details

How is Thought Integration done?

  • making decisions
  • to perform basic tasks
  • visualising concepts
  • creative problem solving

Precision and Accuracy

To know there is a need to understand words and concepts and use them correctly and to seek information automatically when the need arises. If I use the Building Block of Precision and Accuracy then I will be able to come to an appropriate conclusion. 

What is Precision and Accuracy?

  • correct measurements
  • getting the bull’s eye on the targets
  • using words correctly
  • being articulate
  • communicating concisely and clearly

How is Precision and Accuracy done?

  • using information to reach a goal
  • double checking
  • use resources like dictionary to check information
  • verify data
  • paying attention to words, tone of voice, facial expression, body language


To prepare and use an organised approach in the learning experience. If I use the Building Block of Planning then I am more likely to eliminate the potential for problems and achieve my goal.

What is Planning?

  • sequence of steps to proceed to a goal
  • an organised way of developing something
  • a mentality
  • preparation for future events
  • organising thoughts

How is Planning done?

  • list items, obstacles, supplies
  • ask for clarification
  • execute activities
  • eliminating or compensating for problems
  • creating a schedule, timetable or agenda
  • drafting a rough copy, sketch or flowchart


To search systematically for information needed in the learning experience. If I use the Building Block of Exploration then I will have all the information I need to begin my task.

What is Exploration?

  • going places
  • being adventurous
  • learning new things
  • discovering
  • not being afraid
  • expanding knowledge
  • seeking
  • looking into
  • knowledge

How is Exploration done?

  • physical and mental activities
  • research by finding information
  • ordered steps
  • ask questions
  • take notes then applied

Self Regulation

To seek deep, personal value in learning experiences that energises thinking and behaviour and leads to greater commitment and success. If I use the Tool of Self-Regulation then I will think about what I need to do next and follow through.

What is Self Regulation?

  • following rules
  • being orderly
  • my own rules
  • laws that are important to follow

How is Self Regulation used?

  • stop, think, go
  • writing down my own rules
  • keeping my stuff organised
  • develop good habits
  • looking for ways to be more efficient
  • pacing myself
  • pay attention to how I am feeling and making good choices

Awareness of Self Change

To seek deep, personal value in learning experiences that energises thinking and behaviour and leads to greater commitment and success. If I use the Tool for Awareness of Self-Change then I can boost my self-esteem by measuring my progress.

What is Awareness of Self-Change?

  • realising I’m growing up
  • knowing that I’m getting smarter
  • noticing physical changes

How is Awareness of Self-Change used?

  • looking at photographs
  • reminiscing with family and friends
  • personal reflection
  • journalling

Feeling of Challenge

To seek deep, personal value in learning experiences that energises thinking and behaviour and leads to greater commitment and success. If I use the Tool of Feeling of Challenge then I will find new learning experiences exciting and rewarding.

What is Feeling of Challenge?

  • to dare
  • to be brave
  • to prove yourself
  • to willingly venture into new territory

How is Feeling of Challenge used?

  • motivate yourself with positive thinking
  • visualise success
  • positive self-talk
  • overcoming fear by asking for support from a trusted person
  • relieving anxiety by relaxing


To communicate thoughts and actions carefully in the learning experience. If I use the Building Block of Expression then I will be capable of communicating with various audiences and they will be able to understand me.

What is Expression?

  • using words to speak of something
  • giving an example
  • writing, vocally, body language
  • telling someone emotions, feelings, information, instruction
  • demonstrate, show
  • communication

How is Expression done?

  • visual, draw a picture
  • write words
  • audio, use face, body language, ears, tone of voice, volume
  • presentation in dress
  • appearance
  • consider your audience

Self Development

To seek deep, personal value in learning experiences that energises thinking and behaviour and leads to greater commitment and success. If I use the Tool of Self-Development then I will recognise the contributions I can make and value the the same from others.

What is Self Development?

  • developing my talents
  • improving myself
  • getting smarter
  • working on my potential

How is Self Development used?

  • improving weaknesses by using strengths
  • understanding my personal learning style
  • learning about my heritage
  • seeking out and learning from experts

Inner Meaning

To seek deep, personal value in learning experiences that energises thinking and behaviour and leads to greater commitment and success. If I use the Tool of Inner Meaning then I will find it easier to take interest in learning.

What is Inner Meaning?

  • meaning past the surface
  • meaning on the inside
  • spirit within
  • purpose

How is Inner Meaning used?

  • finding reasons learn other than just marks
  • visualisation
  • listening
  • taking interest
  • looking for ways learning is important or useful
  • applying learning to life

Space and Time Concepts

To understand and use information about space and time that is important in almost all learning. If I use the Building Block of Space and Time Concepts then I will be able to meet deadlines.

What are Space and Time Concepts?

  • openness, empty, can be filled
  • dimensions that can be measured
  • time sun, hours, minutes, seconds
  • width, height depth, distance
  • time is the fourth dimension
  • direction, size

How is Space and Time Concepts done?

  • time critical to organisation and planning
  • organising space for activity
  • past, present, future
  • understanding size and order
  • determine where and how long it will take me to do a task

Selective Attention

To choose between relevant and irrelevant information and to focus on the information needed in the learning experience. If I use the Building Block of Selective Attention then I’ll focus only on the things I need to do the task.

What is Selective Attention?

  • choosing what to focus on
  • using listening skills
  • directing energy to subject

How is Selective Attention done?

  • looking at and focusing
  • ignore distractions
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